Students are classified on the following basis:
Freshman - Less than 30 semester hours
Sophomore - Completion of at least 30 semester hours
Junior - Completion of at least 60 semester hours
Senior - Completion of at least 90 semester hours
Full-time Students - Those carrying 12 or more semester hours
Part-time Students - Those carrying less than 12 hours
Probationary Students - Those whose academic loads have been reduced because of a deficient grade-point average
Course content is based on textbook materials, an analysis of material in each chapter, and material presented by the teacher in class. Grades are based on collateral reading, written reports, and examinations in the form of objective, multiple choice, and essay questions. The student is expected not only to acquire and recall facts, but also to relate those facts to personal experiences and Christian responsibilities.
Students may add or drop a course during the first two weeks of classes and no notation of the drop will be recorded on the student's permanent record. Students may withdraw from courses up to the fourth week of classes but will receive a "W" on permanent record indicating a withdrawal. The procedure for adding or dropping courses is as follows:
1. Secure Add/Drop form from the Director of Records and Admissions' Office.
2. Secure Advisor's approval on the Add/Drop form.
3. Return Add/Drop form to the Director of Records and Admissions' Office. If a student drops a course but fails to secure the proper permissions, he/she will receive a permanent grade of "F" for the course. If a student takes a course and fails to register for it on the official registration form, no credit will be received for the course. Hence, a faculty member cannot add, drop or withdraw a student from a class or from the Institution.
Should it become necessary for a student to withdraw from the Seminary, the student must report to the Director of Records and Admissions at that time and complete the specified procedures. If a student leaves college and fails to withdraw officially, it will result in an "F" grade notation on the student's permanent record
The following grades and notations are also used in the grading system of the Bible College:
AU= Audit
I = Incomplete
R =Repeated
WP = Withdrew Passing
WF = Withdrew Failing
Grade reports are issued at the end of the semester. In compliance with Federal Statute, Public Law 93-380, cited as the Educational Amendments of 1974, Section 438, Protection of the Rights and Privacy of Parents and Students, all reports of grades will be issued to the student. Errors on the grade report should be reported to the Director of Records and Admissions' Office within two weeks of receiving the grade report.
Grade Grade points per Semester hour
A 95-100 Excellent 4.0
A- 93-94 3.7
B+ 90-92 3.3
B 87-89 Good 3.0
B- 85-86 2.7
C+ 82-84 2.3
C 79-81 Average 2.0
C- 74-78 1.7
D+ 72-73 1.3
D 69-71 Poor 1.0
D- 64-68 .7
F Below 64
Failure 0
HONORS Graduation honors will be granted to students who attain cumulative grade point averages as listed: Summa Cum Laude, 3.80; Magna Cum Laude, 3.60; Cum Laude, 3.2
The status of any student whose cumulative grade point average drops to the standard ranges listed below is changed to probationary. Any probationary student who fails to raise his/her cumulative grade point average to the standard ranges listed below over the next two (2) semesters is ineligible for continued study in the degree program. The student may request permission to continue study as a special student. The student who brings up his/her cumulative average to the standards listed below over the next two (2) semesters of work will be restored to regular status. The student who fails to meet the above requirement will not be readmitted to the degree program. Any student who has a question about his/her status may appeal to the administration for reconsideration.
The student must maintain a grade point average based on the following earned semester hours.
An academic warning notice will be placed on the student's semester grade report that his/her academic performance is below the standard ranges listed above.
An academic probation notice will be placed on the student's semester grade report that his/her academic performance is below the standard ranges listed above.
The student should expect to be dismissed from LIFT when cumulative GPA falls in the ranges listed above. Students dismissed for low academic achievement may appeal the decision to the Committee of Academic Affairs or they may reapply for admission after a period of one academic year. Applicants for readmission need to supply evidence of successful work or course experience since the time of dismissal and submit a plan for successful completion of course work in the future at LIFT.